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Laser Protection Adviser Services – work safely with laser and non-laser light therapy devices

Ensuring you get optimal results for your patients and clients, while limiting risk, is our No. 1 priority.

How we can help you

With our 25 years of experience in this areas, we can:

  • Provide expert laser safety services and advice to complete these three steps which we like to call the Triad of Safety.
  • Work with you to ensure that you and your staff are working safely
  • Ensure that your business is compliant with the Artificial Optical Radiation Directive and best practice standards.

Three steps to working safely

Critical to limiting any hazardous risk is identifying and implementing safety control measures, addressed in a 3 step process:

  • Risk Assessment

    Completion of a comprehensive risk assessment of your laser or non-laser light therapy device, where you use it and how you use it.

  • Controls & Systems Implementation

    Implementation of the safety controls and safe systems of work identified in the risk assessment.

  • Training

    Laser safety training for you and your staff so that everyone understands the risks and what must be done to reduce those risks.

Who we work with

We specialise in medical and aesthetic laser practices working with public and private hospitals, aesthetic clinics including those regulated in the UK, and healthcare and veterinary clinics. Register for a free consultation to discuss how we can help.

  • Public and private hospitals
  • Aesthetic clinics
  • Laser Therapy users (veterinary, physiotherapy, chiropractor, and podiatry clinics)
  • Dentists
  • Ophthalmologists