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What is a Risk Assessment

A Risk Assessment is an in-depth evaluation into each scenario in which you use your laser, IPL, or LED therapy device. Scenarios include everyday use of your laser/IPL/LED, and foreseeable scenarios where accidents could occur or where it could be used inappropriately. There should be one Risk Assessment for each device which could potentially cause injury or ill health. The Risk Assessment will also take into account how each device is used and where is it used.

What a Risk Assessment does

The aim of the Risk Assessment is to reduce the risk of injury and illness associated with the identified hazards. It does this by identifying and documenting the hazard controls required to reduce the risk presented by those hazards. These hazard controls are based on legislative requirements and best practice standards.

Legislation and why a Risk Assessment is required

By law, employers must identify, assess, and document the hazards in the workplaces under their control. In Europe the specific Risk Assessment requirements for laser, IPLs, and LEDs are outlined in the Artificial Optical Radiation Directive 2006/25/EC. In the United States guidance is provided by the American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers Z136.1 and American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care. Z136.3 In Canada the standard is CSA Standard Z386-20 Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care.

Communicating the outcome of the risk assessment

The process of carrying out a Risk Assessment should include a comprehensive review of the Risk Assessment with those who use the laser/IPL/LED therapy device to ensure that the hazard controls are appropriate, understood, and agreed.

Why a Risk Assessment needs to be updated

Risk Assessments need to be regularly reviewed to ensure that the hazard controls identified are still appropriate, that they are being implemented, and to identify any gaps. They are also updated to take into account any changes in the operation of the device, changes in legislation and best practice standards, and when there has been an incident or near miss.

Our registered Laser Protection Advisers are experienced in carrying out Risk Assessments for a wide range of lasers and potentially hazardous non-laser optical sources such as IPLs.

Contact us for a free consultation to discuss how we can help you ensure that you are compliant with the Health and Safety Legislation.