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Laser Safety Course (live or self-paced) for Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Veterinarians and Podiatrists.

This course has been approved by the British Medical Laser Association, and can be taken live and online, or online and self-paced.

Compliance with Health & Safety Legislation

Appropriate laser safety training is essential for all laser operators to ensure full competency and compliance with legislation (Artificial Optical Radiation Directive), and this course will provide that essential training for Healthcare and Veterinary Professionals using Laser Therapy (Class 3B and Class 4) lasers as part of their practice.

Courses Options

Live online
course Logistics

Held regularly on Monday evenings starting at 7pm and finishing at 10pm.

Self-paced online course logistics

The live course specially recorded into bite sizes that can be taken at your own pace.

If you would you have any questions about these courses please contact us.

About the course

This course follows the Core of Knowledge syllabus recommended for clinical laser users, and specifically covers Laser Therapy lasers and the risks associated with these lasers.

Core of Knowledge syllabus

This course is approved by the British Medical Laser Association:

The course content is broken into three sections:

  • Basic principles of laser generation and review of Laser Therapy laser technology.
  • Dangers of accidental exposure from Laser Therapy lasers.
  • Health and safety legislation requirements for lasers, guidance on conducting your risk assessment, and documenting your laser safety processes, as required by the legislation.

What this course does not cover:

Please note that this training does not cover how individual lasers should be used or therapeutic techniques and protocols. For this type of training you should refer to your laser supplier.

What attendees have said about our courses

We get predominately get 5 stars feedback for these courses, and we welcome all feedback. We are constantly updating and improving our courses and your feedback is important to us. Here are some comments our courses have received:

Course attender

The course met my expectations. I have gathered a lot of information about the safety aspect regarding using laser therapy. All information was clear and precise and relevant to my practice. The quality of the information was very good and very clear and precise to understand. Josette skills, knowledge and ability was coming across throughout the course therefore it was making it easy for my own understanding as the information and clear and easy to understand. The entire course led into each slide which was helpful to follow and understand the information. And sections were broken up into different parts therefore it was easy to follow and not just a big jump of information. I would recommend this course to anyone that wants to learn about safety aspect of using laser therapy.

Course attender

I feel more confident regarding the safety of my patients.

Course attender

Very applicable as we're able discuss the laser I use.

Course attender

Very informative and comprehensive course.

Course attender

Really enjoyed this course!