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Laser, Intense Pulse Lightsource, LED safety courses

Our laser and non-laser light therapy safety courses are tailored to your professional needs.

Health and Safety Legislation Requirements

If not used safely lasers and non-laser therapy devices have the potential to cause harm.

Safety training is essential for full operator competence and is a requirement of the health and safety legislation.

If other employees are required to be present during laser or other non-laser light therapy treatments, they too must have basic safety training. For example nurses working in operating theatres.

Safety courses for healthcare and aesthetic professionals who operate lasers and non-laser therapy devices (Core of Knowledge syllabus)

Our laser and IPL safety courses for healthcare and aesthetic professionals who use Class 3 and Class 4 lasers and non-laser light sources such as IPLs and LEDs.

The Core syllabus is widely recognised Internationally as the gold standard for laser safety training, and will provide you and your employees with an understanding of the key principals of laser and non-laser light therapy safety.

Our courses are approved by the British Medical Laser Association.

Safety courses for healthcare and aesthetic professionals who do not operate the laser or non-laser therapy devices but who are required to be present during treatments (Laser Safety Awareness syllabus)

Awareness training is for employees who don’t operate the laser or light therapy device but who are required to be present to assist in the procedure or treatment.

These courses provides you and your staff with a basic understanding of the risks and key principles of laser and non-laser light therapy safety, and will meet health and safety requirements. It follows the Laser/IPL Safety Awareness syllabus developed in parallel with the updated Core of Knowledge syllabus.

These courses can be delivered in a format to suit your needs, including in person and onsite, and are tailored to cover your laser or non-laser therapy device, and where and how it is used.

Three course delivery options

1. Tailored onsite courses

Tailored onsite in person laser and non-laser light therapy safety awareness courses at times that suit your busy clinic or list.

2. Core of Knowledge live and online courses

Monthly live and online British Medical Laser Association approved Core of Knowledge courses held live and online.

Live and Online Laser Therapy Safety Course

Live and Online Aesthetic Laser and IPL Safety Course

3.Core of Knowledge online courses at your own pace

Monthly live and online British Medical Laser Association approved Core of Knowledge courses held live and online.

Self-Paced Laser Therapy Safety Course

Self-Paced Aesthetic Laser and IPL Safety Course